Soybean oil futures contracts are the benchmark for the soybean oil market. The bulk of the soybean crop is grown for oil production. When soybeans are crushed it produces both soybena meal, and soybean oil.
Soybean oil, commonly called vegetable oil, is very popular because it is cheap, healthful and has a high smoke point. Soybean oil is not only used in food products. It also used as a natural renewable replacement for petroleum-based products such as: bio diesel, inks, plasticizers, crayons, paints and soy candles.
This section on the soybean oil market contains a wealth of information. You can read about the history of the soybean oil market, the fundamentals that make it move, and the futures and options specifications. You can also view quotes, charts, current margins requirements, and news that is affecting the soybean oil market.
Learn everything you need to know about how futures allow you to control a large amount of soybean oil with a minimal investment of capital. However, if you are new to the commodities markets you should consult with a licensed broker before starting to trade.
Start trading soybean oil futures and options today! Click here to contact a licensed commodities broker with experience in the soybean oil market. We are happy to answer all of your questions about bean oil futures and options.